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Jun 30, 2009

Fox Sports To Twitter During Baseball's All-Star Game

Ken Rosenthal of Fox SportsGet ready for sportscasters to increasingly tweet from the booth as they call games. Fox Sports is offering a sample of what's likely to come when a roving reporter will use Twitter during the broadcast of baseball's All-Star Game next month.

Ken Rosenthal, who provides reports from the stands and elsewhere, will answer viewer-submitted questions between his on-camera appearances during the game July 14. He will also use Twitter as a venue to offer thoughts and opinions during the coverage.

Many believe the promise of Twitter is interactivity with those -- be they celebrities or simply people at work -- who were previously unavailable.

Fox Sports president Ed Goren called Twitter "a communications phenomenon that continues to grow. Our hope is that those who follow us on Twitter" will have a deeper connection with the broadcast.

Rosenthal, who is also becoming an on-air personality for the MLB Network, may be offering a template for sportscasters going forward: reporting on-air, as well as via Internet sites Twitter, Facebook and MySpace.

"I'm sure time will permit me only a few on-air opportunities during the [All-Star Game], so this gives me a forum to answer as many questions from fans as possible and report more of what I learn and observe," Rosenthal said.

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