AUSTIN, TEXAS, August 14, 2008—Despite a weaker US economy and rising energy prices that directly impact consumers budgets, North American TV shipments climbed a remarkably strong 26% Q/Q and 28% Y/Y in Q2’08 to more than 9.3M units, according to preliminary results from DisplaySearch’sQuarterly Global TV Shipment and Forecast Report. This Y/Y growth is the strongest since DisplaySearch began tracking TV shipments in 2004. LCD and Plasma TV technologies both posted strong sequential quarterly gains, rising 30% and 35%, respectively. PDP growth in particular was influenced by strong initial shipments of Vizio’s 32” HD PDPs; LCD growth was also very strong at 32”, rising 35% Q/Q.
Some other highlights from Q2’08 include
LCD TV shipments rose a stronger than expected 52% Y/Y in Q2 to nearly 7.5M units, driving the total TV growth to such strong levels. Much of the growth came from small- to mid-range screen sizes, such as 19”, 22” and 32” where price points are lower and consumers don’t have to stretch budgets as much to afford a new digital flat panel TV. PDP shipment growth surged in Q2 by 35% Q/Q and 34% Y/Y as 32” HD shipments were initiated by Vizio into the US market, quickly rising to almost 13% of all PDP shipments for the quarter. 42” PDP shipments also rose in Q2, climbing 86% Q/Q, but 50” PDP shipments were flat Q/Q as LCD proved a tough competitor at 50-54”. Overall LCD TV gained share during the quarter, rising from 77.5% to 79.8% unit share, a new high. LCD TV also gained against PDP in the 50-54” size category, rising to a new high of 46.1% with most 52” LCD TVs selling at a substantial premium to comparable PDP models. LCD did drop from 97.7% to 93.6% of shipments at 32” though, as 32” HD PDP entered the size category during the quarter. Samsung was the leading brand with total TV shipment share surging to a record 19.1% of all TV unit shipments in North America during the quarter. Samsung continued to have the leading LCD TV unit share in Q2, climbing from 13.5% to 18.3% as their shipments rose 76% Q/Q. Additionally, Samsung overtook Sony for the top LCD TV unit share of the 40”+ category. Sony remained #2 in LCD TV, although their share dropped from 13.4% to 11.7%. Despite gaining share in the 32” category, they lost share in the 40”+ space to Samsung. Sony also rose from #3 to #2 in total TV shipments, although unit share fell from 10.6% to 9.4%. Panasonic was still the North America market leader in PDP TV at 31.2%, down from 35% in Q1’08 as both Samsung and Vizio posted strong share gains. Panasonic led 50” shipments by a large margin, while barely edging out Samsung for #2 at 42”. Q2’08 also marked the first full quarter of 46” 1080p PDP shipments for Panasonic and easily led all other brands in 1080p PDP shipments. Vizio moved up to #2 in PDP, overtaking Samsung, with their share more than doubling to 25.1% on the previously mentioned strong 32” HD PDP shipments. In LCD TV, Vizio fell from #3 to #5 at 7.5% unit share, as intense price competition from top brands at a wide range of retail outlets which pushed them from #2 to #3 in total TV unit share.More extensive Q2’08 results can be seen in the following tables:
Table 1: Preliminary Q1'08 – Q2'08 NA Flat Panel TV Unit Share and Growth
Unit ShareQ2'08
Unit ShareQ/Q
Aug 16, 2008
North America TV Shipments Surge 28% Y/Y in Q2'08; Samsung Achieves Record Share
Some Media Companies Choose to Profit From Pirated YouTube Clips
After years of regarding pirated video on YouTube as a threat, some major media companies are having a change of heart, treating it instead as an advertising opportunity. In the last few months, CBS, Universal Music, Lionsgate, Electronic Arts and other companies have stopped prodding YouTube to remove unauthorized clips of their movies, music videos and other content and started selling advertising against them... “We don’t want to condone people taking our intellectual property and using it without our permission,” said Curt Marvis, the president of digital media at Lionsgate Entertainment, which owns films like “Dirty Dancing” and the “Saw” series of horror movies. “But we also don’t like the idea of keeping fans of our products from being able to engage with our content.” he said. “For the most part, people who are uploading videos are fans of our movies. They’re not trying to be evil pirates, and they’re not trying to get revenue from it.” ...For example, a user-uploaded video for the music video for “Disturbia” by the artist Rihanna is still online, even though YouTube makes it easy to remove. The Rihanna video page was uploaded by a fan three weeks ago and has attracted 1.2 million views. It now features a prominent ad and a small disclaimer that cites the Universal Music Group as the owner. Under pressure from media companies, YouTube introduced a technology last fall called Video ID which allowed copyright owners to compare the digital fingerprints of their videos with material on YouTube, then flag infringing material for removal...
AdNets Weekend, CA -
The former will count unduplicated visitors to all sites within an ad net, while the latter will calculate the reach of the ads that are served by the ...
New York Times, United States -
Erica Millar, a Manhattan designer, took her cue for her sleek, modern library from a leather-covered orange desk and chair that Jacques Adnet designed for ...
SearchViews, NY -
From a marketer’s prospective how do I know what I’m really getting from an ad net when they toss out stuff like a 90% reach? Apparently someone’s been ...
Washington Post, United States -
... and CEO of, which has become something of a model for other mag publishers looking to navigate the remnant vs. vertical ad net divide. ...
UAI, Brazil -
Marcelo Adnet é o tipo que trabalha 24 horas por dia. O apresentador do programa 15 minutos, da MTV, também faz teatro aos montes, eventos e comerciais. ...
Internet Standard, Poland -
Największy udział w przychodach stanowiła część mediowa spółki (w jej skład wchodzą CR Media Consulting i Ad.Net). W 2 kwartale spółki te uzyskały ...
Salzburger Nachrichten, Austria -
Souverän schlägt sich auch weiterhin der zweite Aufsteiger Bergheim: 4:1 gegen Adnet und damit Tabellenführer mit 9 Punkten aus drei Spielen.
Wirtualna Polska, Poland -
O nabyciu udziałów Online Media Group Poland Sp. z oo przez SA Emitent informował raportem bieżącym nr 39/2008 z dnia 19 czerwca 2008 roku. ..., Austria -
... Oberhofen am vergangenen Wochenende in der 2. Salzburger Landesliga Nord an Adnetabgeben. Mit einem 3:1 triumphierte due ÖTSU Oberhofen über den SK Strobl.
PresseAnzeiger (Pressemitteilung), Germany -
Dort veranstaltet die Gamecity Hamburg in Kooperation mit der Agentur GAN Game Ad NetGmbH von 17.30 Uhr bis 23 Uhr das erste Gipfeltreffen zwischen der ...
Social Media Weekend
ReadWriteWeb, CA -
A one year follow up on a study of social media adoption at 500 of the fastest growing companies in the US has found that familiarity with and use of blogs, ...
MarketWatch -
Separately, Cymfony announced the availability of the only syndicated social media tracking service specifically focused on asthma brands. ...
Signal Magazine, VA -
And as social media becomes more popular with people of all ages, agencies must take a closer look at one-size-fits-all technology policies that create ... (subscription), RI -
SUMMARY: PR 2.0 isn’t about using social media to pitch clients to major blogs, publications, or TV shows. It’s about using social media to build ...
CMSWire, CA -
By John Conroy Social Media moves so fast, its hard to keep up. Here’s the week’s top stories from around the blogosphere, in scan-friendly format. ...
Bluhalo, UK -
A clear and consistent use of branding across a website could do much to make pages sticky for visitors from social media websites, it has been claimed. ...
24dash, UK -
Barnet Council is entering the world of social media as part of efforts to modernise the way it works and better connect with residents. ...
Carolina Newswire (press release), NC -
CARY, NC -- Jim Tobin, president of Ignite Social Media, announced the hiring of Kailee Brown as the agency’s Multimedia Specialist. ...
CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada -
Enables Clients to Impact Non-Traditional Media TORONTO, Aug. 14 /CNW/ - To view thisSocial Media Release, please enter the following address in your web ..., NC -
The next Social Network Club, Louisville meeting, will focus on the topic “Where’s my audience? How traditional media can use social media to maintain ...
Blog Weekend
The Associated Press -
Favre also would have been required to make 10 personal appearances each year — including two private hunting or golfing trips — and a blog would have been ...
Marketing agreements translate to dollars—lots of them—for both sides
Packers still want to play Favre
Favre ‘will always be a Packer’
BBC News
NewsFactor Network, CA -
A new Microsoft Windows blog has been opened, and Microsoft plans two Windows events. Microsoft says it intends to listen to what the world has to say about ...
Microsoft Starts Windows 7 Blog
Windows 7 weblog drip-feeds fresh info
Microsoft Launches Windows 7 Development Blog
Newsday, NY -
The 22-year-old actress took to her blog yesterday to slam online speculation that her little sister may have undergone breast augmentation. ...
Has Lindsay Lohan’s Sis Ali Gotten Breast Implants?
Lohan Steamed About Sister Implant Rumors
Lohan blasts sister’s breast
Detroit Free Press, United States -
It’s hard to walk 10 meters at the Olympic Games without coming across something made by Coca Cola, one of the Games’ biggest sponsors. ...
Nascar -
Feel free to blog and uplaod pics of Ron and his team. Thanks Rowdy04 If you already have a NASCAR.COM account or ID, you can log in to the Community now! ...
Malaysia Star, Malaysia -
The launch also saw the unveiling of The Star’s latest addition to football —, which is a blog dedicated to all football ...
Los Angeles Times
Reuters India, India -
By Kevin Fylan Roger Federer came to Beijing hoping for a singles gold medal to ease the pain of losing the last two major finals and his number one ranking ...Video: Federer, Williams Sisters Upset
Kaiser, DC -
While mainstream news coverage is still a primary source of information for the latest in policy debates and the health care marketplace, online blogs have ...
Times Online
OpEdNews, PA -
by The Hankster Page 1 of 1 page(s) As I prepare to participate as a panelist on today's Bulldog Reporter audio conference, "Blog Relations Update for PR: ...Video: Hillary's Last Stand
News-Review headed to national party conventions, input sought
Wheeling Countryside, IL -
The A Thorny Issue blog is abuzz about the Hawthorn Woods road program and whether or not the Village has enough money to finish the program. ...
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