Social network is hot.
- Facebook Connect revives their controversial beacon program. Partners like Techcrunch, Digg, and Wordpress allow visitors to sign-in using their Facebook userid. Activities, like comments, report to minifeeds and newsfeeds at Facebook - for viewing by friends and associates. Partners and users benefit from increased mindshare at Facebook. Conversely, Facebook gains mindshare outside of the Facebook walled garden. Sites like FriendFeed, Twitter, and Mybloglog that aggregate activities from many sites become less relevant.
- Google FriendConnect allows publishers, primarily blogs at their site, to add social network features to their site. Visitors sign-in using their Google userid. Their profile at socialized blogs point back to their website. Other features replace the commenting features of blogger with a centralized database managed by Google. Blogs and users benefit from shared visibility. The primary winner is Google, as they struggle to build the newsfeed services to match Facebook. The loser might be Ning and other custom social network services.
- Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo have integrated their profile and personal page services with their email to allow members to connect with each other. Do email users trust these companies to control the sharing?
- Circle of Moms, Pickens Plan, Barak Obama, and others have levered Facebook applications to cherry pick Facebook users and build their own social networks. Not surprisingly, Facebook has made it harder for third-party developers to have a viral presence in their walled garden.
- Youtube and FlickR have opened their platforms to share content with partners big and small. At the same time, they have also added friend connections and group discussions to encourage centralized participation.
- Myspace/Fox and Bepo/AOL suffer paralysis analysis after being purchased by media companies.
- Secondary social networks like LinkedIn, Hi5, and Ning have accelerated features development.