Yahoo Glue, a new search results page design that the company has been testing in India, is rolling out to the US market this evening. You can view it at It’s also a little different than the Indian version, and includes a number of resources beyond what India’s version of Glue offers. On a typical query, content from Wikipedia, Yahoo Shopping, Yahoo Answers, blog search results (from Google) and YouTube videos are shown. Yahoo! Glue search results include web search, images, news, blog search, Wikipedia and YouTube videos. That's right - in the India version at least Yahoo! displayed search results from both Google's YouTube and Google Blogsearch. The end result - all these links on one page - is pretty awesome., although Yahoo says it is rolling out in stages, so sit tight if you don’t see it.
Yahoo! Glue Finally Comes to the US and It's Awesome
This May Yahoo! started testing an "all in one" search product called Yahoo Glue in India. It's a really cool service that tonight becomes available to US users of Yahoo.
Nov 20, 2008
Yahoo! Glue Finally Comes to the US and It's Awesome
by Michael Arrington on November 19, 2008
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