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Oct 14, 2008

tEarn Exitmercial Change Log

It's a tough economic environment to introduce a new business. Once the distraction from the Presidental election and Wall Street uncertainties subsides, bloggers, publishers, agencies, and advertisers will get back to the basics of earning money. 

tEarn has made substantial progress. The construction dust has settled. Here is a unified report for our community of publishers, agencies, and advertisers - big and small.

Publisher Control of Exitmercials

We have refined the controls to allow editors and publishers to fine tune when exitmericals are inserted. 

Generally, when users click a link that exits a website (i.e. not when they close a window - that's a pop-under blocked by most browsers,) tEarn inserts exitmercials. The controls now allow lists that define the aliases, subdomains of a site so that exitmercials don't show among the parts of large sites. 

Conversely, you can also select to have exitmercials appear with every link. Independent writers are using exitmericals to monetize books where ads appear between the chapters. More about this soon.

These controls allow editors to manage the available exitmercial inventory - balancing the monetary needs of the enterprise with the reader experience. 

User Control of Inappropriate Ads

The tEarn terms of advertising service is similar to Google AdWords. Inappropriate ads should not be inserted. Users can report offending ads. 

The first removed ad was a European video of 30 seconds. It's quite funny.

A child screams and throws a tantrum in a supermarket. 30 seconds later, a message fronts the father, "Don't you wish you had used a condom?" 

What was the controversy? 

If this ad targeted the right tEarn microchannel, it can run without concern. However, this ad targeted a broad channel that included a microchannel targeting a younger audience. 

Dozens of parents objected. We agreed and removed the ad. 
As a side note, the ad worked. Hundreds of viewers watched 30 seconds to learn that the ad was about condums. Hopefully, each had a chuckle and remembered the brand.
Agencies Working With Clients

We've had strong interest among local businesses to advertise. Our available inventory through newspaper partners gives us branded inventory to sell. 

The problem is that the websites of these local businesses are not web 2.0 ready. Using exitmercials to push visitors to a poorly designed site makes no sense. Exitmericals produce 100% ROI (based on click-through,) but a poor website retains low percentages. 

We are committed to both high eCPM for publishers and high ROI for advertisers. Thus, we are making the effort with a dozen businesses to correct, amend, or re-do their website. Once ready, exitmericals will drive visitors to their new website. 

This opens an opportunity for marketing consultants and agencies. Many local businesses spent money in 2000 to build sites - only to receive little return. Today, these sites are simply out-of-date. 

Exitmercials has created new excitement to update their web presence - creating paid engagements for webmasters, marketing consultants, flash designers, and agencies.

We'll be making our local business model and supporting presentations available to tEarn members. Sign up to download these powerpoints for your own use. 

More Feedback

As always, you can contact us through the comments on this blog, Facebook, Tumblr, or LinkedIn. Your feedback is welcomed.

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