Pen to WordsThe pen is mightier than the sword - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"The pen is mightier than the sword" is a metonymic adage coined by Edward Bulwer-Lytton in 1839 for his play Richelieu; Or the Conspiracy. ...Origins of Sayings - The Pen is Mightier Than the Sword
About the history and origins behind the famous saying the pen is mightier than the sword.mightier than the sword - My Poetry Blog
mightier than the sword - Because many of my poems are written from the heart they often touch ... Verification code: Verification code: Generate a new code ...
Millions of blogs have re-discovered the power of the word. From personal expression that touches the heart of a few to mass media that allows a few to communicate with millions - blogs and the Internet will displace legacy publications. Time and economics favor free self expression.

Google to preach Web 2.0 gospel to developers
Facebook To Open Source Facebook Platform
Still Seeking Coders Interested in JournalismSometime soon, perhaps this week, Facebook will turn the year-old Facebook Platform into an open source project, multiple sources have told us. The immediate effect will be to allow any social network to become Facebook Platform compatible - meaning application developers can easily take their Facebook applications and have them run on those social networks, too.
It's now been almost exactly a year since we announced (thanks to a Knight News Challenge grant) that programmer-developers could earn full scholarships to study journalism in the master's program at the Medill School at Northwestern University. We've got plenty of scholarship money still available -- but we have not been overwhelmed with applications...
Words are cheap, but great words have meaningful value.
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