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Feb 7, 2008

NEWS: Evolving the OpenID Foundation Board

Evolving the OpenID Foundation Board
February 7th, 2008 by The Shared Admin

This morning the OpenID Foundation announced that Google, IBM, Microsoft, VeriSign, and Yahoo! have joined the board. The OpenID Foundation was formed in early 2006 by seven community members with the goal of helping promote, protect and enabling the OpenID technologies and community. Today’s announcement marks a milestone in the maturity and impact that the OpenID community has had. While the OpenID Foundation serves a stewardship role around the community’s intellectual property, the Foundation’s board itself does not make any decisions about the specifications the community is collaboratively building.

Last year, OpenID grew by leaps and bounds both as a technology and as a community. At the beginning of 2006, there were fewer than 20-million OpenID enabled URLs and less than 500 websites where they could be used. Today there are over a quarter of a billion OpenIDs and well over 10,000 websites to accept them. OpenID has grown to be implemented by major open source projects such as Drupal, cornerstone Web 2.0 services such as those by 37signals and Six Apart, as well as a mix of large companies including as Apple, Google, and Yahoo!. Today is about truly recognizing the accomplishments of the entire OpenID community which has certainly grown beyond the small grassroots community where it started in late 2005. ...
Social Networking's Next Phase
...solve the problem, several firms are pushing a standard called OpenID, which
would let users sign on and easily transfer profile...networking firm, People
Aggregator, was an early supporter of OpenID. ''Humans are migratory beasts, and
we do not want to re...
March 3, 2007 - By BRAD STONE - Technology - 1227 words
How to build the mesh - #1: ID, Social Graphs and Groups


The key foundation set of constructs, web services and APIs to support when buildingthe mesh - is the domain of profiles, personas, friendships, relationships, social graphs and groups. It all starts with humans and every construct, element and component of the open social web we’re building has to do with people. So that’s I’m starting here.

Ed: An OpenID user can sign into Blogger, for example, using their Yahoo id and password. Thus, we memorize fewer name/password pairs.

OpenID users agree to share information. For example, my photo at MyBlogLog shows at any blog that joins the MyBlogLog network.

Users also agree to share friends list, such as Facebook apps asking for permission to access information; or Facebook asking for access to your Yahoo mail list. Note that Facebook does not use the Open ID process.

OpenID Status Check: A Guide to Getting and Using Your OpenID

You've heard a lot about OpenID, the decentralized framework for authenticating users across the web. OpenID is convenient for end users, allowing them to login to numerous web sites using one set of credentials - their OpenID. But how is OpenID doing today? Where can you get one? And more importantly, where can you use it? We took the pulse of OpenID to see how it's currently faring...

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